What Kind of Dental Implant Do You Need?
If you’ve been living with missing teeth, it’d be understandable to believe life will always be that way — or that you’ll have to transition toward dentures at some point. Toothlessness and dentures are not your only options, though. Dental implants in Saskatoon can provide superior permanent, effective, and flexible solutions for tooth loss. Here’s an explanation of how dental implants in Saskatoon work, and the most common types of dental implants that patients obtain from a dental clinic near you. Your own dentist in Saskatoon will be in the best position to recommend the right dental implants to meet your particular needs but use this article to inform yourself about some of the most common and effective alternatives. How do dental implants work? Dental implants are built of three elements: a titanium post; an abutment that connects the post to the restoration; and a restoration (the final and functional tooth, crown, bridge, or denture that is attached to the abutment and that fi...