Everything About Root Canal Therapy

Ah, root canals. They are probably the most feared procedures in dentistry, and guess what? There is no reason to be afraid of them! Sure, a very long time ago, dentistry was not as modern, and these procedures were long and uncomfortable for the patient. Today, our endodontist in Saskatoon performs them in a single appointment. Our patients have stated that it is a no bigger deal than placing a dental filling. Choose the Right Professional If you need to undergo root canal therapy in Saskatoon, we suggest looking for a specialist in root canals. These dental professionals took two or three years after dental school to prepare for the most complicated and unique cases. If you undergo root canal therapy near you with a specialist, the treatment will succeed (the success rate is 98%). A general dentist may perform simple endodontic treatments, but we recommend looking for an endodontist near you if you have an infection in the pulp of a tooth with an odd shape or a molar. What is Root C...